Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Future. A Hope.

In order for us to grow and mature in our faith, we have to be willing to change. Sometimes that change involves us giving up or letting go of something. It could be a newly acquired habit or ritual or something we have held onto (or something that's leached onto us) for quite sometime. No matter how long it's been in our life, when God says to let it go or destroy it - We have to do just that!

Too often we think that this change - life without our habit or ritual - is going to be hard or not as good as it once was. We justify whatever it is we're holding to so dearly, and sadly other Christians come alongside and justify it for us too. The thing to remember: If God's told us to get rid of it and we hold onto it, it is sin. Even if everyone of our friends does it, if God tells us to leave it alone and we don't, it's a sin.

God has really been working this in and all around me lately. I think of one of my favorite passages, Jeremiah 29:11-14...  God has great things for us. A future. A hope. He will answer when we call. We search for Him, he will be found. And - He brings us back from the things that hold us captive.

He wants to bring us back from the sin that holds us captive, from things in our life that distract us from Him. But, we have to be willing to let things go. He wants to bring us closer to Him so that we can live a better, more abundant life. But, we must be willing to lay things down or even destroy them, if that is what He asks.

To grow, mature, and become more like Christ, we must be willing to let things go. God has better, actually the best plans for our life - A future and a hope - when we are willing to let go of what holds us captive. 

1 comment:

David Hinds said...

Jesus is all about change. Recently I watched one of Bro. Blake's sermons from December and I love the analogy he used. 'If a car got on the railroad tracks and started speeding toward an oncoming train; when they met there would be a noticeable change in the car!' An encounter with the Savior ALWAYS produces a change.
The Lord has used your words to speak to me on several levels. Thank you for being obedient.
in His love, and mine
David Hinds