Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Quik Trip. Lasting Impression.

Anyone who knows me, is well aware that if I am near a QuikTrip, I must stop.  Although I do seem to be thirsty all the time, driving in the vicinity of a QT makes the thirst worse! I have to say, on this particular day, I was beyond blessed when I stopped to get a drink at my favorite convenience store...

I had to make a run to Wal-Mart, and it did not seem right to be so close to a QT without taking advantage of it, so my daughter and I stopped in for a quick thirst quencher. As we made our way to the register to pay, a lady came up and stood in another line to the side of us. When I paid for our drinks, I was instantly drawn to her actions. As she started to pay for her drink, an older gentleman stepped up to the counter, to wait in line to pay for his. But, before he could even think about it, the lady paid for his drink.

The look on his face was of sweet awe and absolutely priceless. He wasn't sure what to say, and after fumbling over a few words, he said, "Well all I can think of is, thanks. Thank you."  The lady who purchased his drink replied, "You're welcome. Just pass it on when you get the chance."

Simultaneously smiling from the inside out, my daughter and I walked out of the store. She looked up at me and said, "How cool was that?! What that woman did was so nice!" I wholeheartedly agreed. It was "so nice" and simple, yet huge. Besides just the random kindness, one thing kept at my heart and mind: That older gentleman will remember that for a long time, maybe forever. He won't remember it because of the monetary cost; he will remember it because of the ladies' action. Someone stepped up and acted out of kindness and love for someone they don't even know (and may never see again).

I know God had to be smiling! My daughter and I couldn't quit smiling and talking about it for quite a while. I even called a friend and my husband to let them know what we had the privilege of witnessing.

This may have been a "Quik Trip," but it left a lasting impression not only on the older man, but also on those who got to see the kindness unfold (and I am sure it warmed the heart of the lady who paid). It is great proof that we don't have to have innumerable, inexhaustible resources to make a difference in the lives of others. What we do have to possess is love and the willingness to step out and share that love with others. Through our willingness to share, we can pray that the recipients of our love will do the same for someone else. Little things do make lasting differences.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can think of to say is Cool. And I wish I had been there.