This past weekend I had the privilege to not only attend the Oklahoma Ladies' Retreat, "Brave," but also lead seminars there. The whole experience was absolutely, all-around amazing!
God used this weekend to affirm works He is doing in my life - things that I had been wondering or even questioning Him about. I love it when He places people right in front of us, in our path, just to let us know He is still very much at work in lives! What an amazing God He is. What an overwhelming comfort, knowing that when we seek Him, pray to Him, and cry out to Him, He is there and listening! What assurance is found, knowing when we ask Him questions, He will answer (in His way and His timing). Most of all, it is inexplicably great to know we can rest in the fact that God's plans are always for the good, even when things seem tough.
Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You remind me of things You have reminded me of so many times before.
Thank You for giving me the chance and privilege to share Your love with others.
Thank You for placing people in my path to remind me, Your love is constant.
Thank You for being the Lord of my life.
Amy, I came to one of your breakout sessions at Falls Creek last year for the very first time. You spoke my language. You spoke truth. Even in a world surrounded by other Christians, I question whether I'm hearing from God correctly. I question whether I'm 'going overboard' in my walk with Christ because I seem to be a fish swimming upstream against all the other fishies. It's tough! So when I received information this year for Falls Creek, the first thing I did was look for your beautiful face to see if you were going to be speaking again. Praise the Lord you were. I came to your session first and brought my daughter with me!! I've recently been told by a deacon's wife that she strongly believes that God has given me the gift of Prophecy. A friend of mine has mentioned to me that I remind her of Jeremiah. I'm not saying these things to exalt myself in any way. I'm saying all of this to tell you that warning people of the dangers ahead can be a very lonely and difficult journey on this earth. When God brings the Amy Gilmore's of this world to encourage you, to persevere, to keep on keeping on, and to run the race set before us, then it's a great reminder of His incredible love for me. Thank you for being obedient to our Lord and letting Him use you in such a way that truly impacted my life. I'm so excited to now be encouraged by your blogs. Thank you, Amy!! May our precious Jesus continue to bless you while you praise Him in spirit and in truth! Marsha
Thank you for your encouragement Marsha! I want to encourage you to keep swimming up stream - fight the good fight!
Your words are a blessing to my heart at just the right time.
-Amy G
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